Angie's List is rapidly becoming a big player in helping consumers make solid choices in choosing service professionals for home improvement projects like painting. Find detailed reviews on roofers, plumbers, house cleaners, dentists and more! Over 1.5 million households check Angie's List before they hire.
Companies can't pay to be on Angie's List
Reviews come from real people like you, not anonymous users
Exclusive discounts from top-rated businesses - save up to 70%
Ratings and reviews in over 550 home repair and health care categories
Live call center and help if a project goes badly
Before they're posted, all reviews are checked in order to guard against providers and companies that try to report on themselves or their competitors. This process was reviewed and approved during a 2012 audit by BPA Worldwide.
Businesses don't pay. Businesses are rated on the List only when a member submits a report. Angie's List is a consumer-driven service.